
Hamm Gets Roasted By Hasty Pudding

By Nina Livingstone   Amidst one of winter’s heaviest rainfalls I walked steadily down Brattle Street in Harvard Square. The  chilly night air created a fog that shrouded buildings and played with street lamps. It was Friday, Jan. 31, and I was headed for Hasty Pudding’s Man of the Year festivities, honoring its 2025 recipient [...]

Q + A: Anna Rossi

By Nina Livingstone  | Edible Boston Magazine Photos by Michael Piazza Growing up on Bainbridge Island off the coast of Seattle, exposure to haute cuisine was limited, admits Anna Rossi, who describes an “out-on-the-town dinner” there as a “Costco hot dog and Pepsi special on a Friday night.” Today, Rossi is an Emmy Award–winning lifestyle [...]

My Three Senses

On “My Three Senses” Nina talks with psychic reader Kelly Spangler from Salem, Massachusetts. Kelly offers to do a reading for one of my guests on the show. As always, a few surprises await you.   https://www.mixcloud.com/radioperkins/ninas-3-senses-003-kelly-spangler-07-12-24/

Vermont’s first openly gay congressperson takes on injustice with a heart of passion

Vermont’s first openly gay congressperson takes on injustice with a heart of passion By Nina Livingstone   When Becca Balint decided to step into the political arena, she never thought to hide the fact she was a lesbian. “I’ve always been firm in leading with authenticity and courage,” said the U.S. representative from Vermont. As [...]

A profile of courage: Joanie Cullinan turns personal tragedy into something positive

By Nina Livingstone   Joanie Cullinan has a thing about John F. Kennedy. For one, she sees a resemblance in the hair department. For another, Cullinan is her own profile in courage. In 2009, the Boston College graduate became the first female firefighter in Wellesley, Massachusetts, in over 20 years. She was also out as [...]

Q + A: Sheldon Lloyd, City Fresh Foods

By Nina Livingstone  | Edible Boston Magazine Photos by Michael Piazza   Sheldon Lloyd describes his brother, Glynn, as a visionary—a man who believes a community-based business can serve the city’s neediest and not only survive, but thrive. In 1994, Glynn Lloyd started City Fresh Foods in a 500-square-foot building in Dudley Square (now known [...]

Claudia Goldin gets the Nobel call

Congratulations to Harvard’s Claudia Goldin, who this morning learned she’d won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Goldin is the third woman to receive the economics Nobel, and the first to win it solo. “I think there are two ways that people find out [if they’ve won a Nobel]. They find out when they [...]

A Crash, a Diagnosis, and a Double Scoop: Joanie Cullinan on Her New Path

By Nina Livingstone | Boston Spirit Magazine For Boston College graduate Joanie Cullinan becoming a member of the Wellesley Fire Department was a perfect match. Growing up with three brothers, the Needham native was competitive - an athlete who “played every sport possible.” She knew she needed a career that spanned both of her passions: [...]

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