Welcome to Destination Mirth, the somewhat personal, but entirely professional website of Nina Livingstone!

That’s me.

The site is the medium through which I share my experiences and ideas with the world.

That’s you.

These pages showcase my conversations with wonderful virtuosos along with missives about my own explorations of others’ creative works. Beyond that, you’ll find short posts about the mini-excursions that I take every day; the simplest destinations are sensory adventures when, like me, you can’t see and can barely hear, even with the help of an implant. I’ve also compiled some of my own pieces, which detail my impressions—and occasionally my compressions and depressions—left by my very unique place in life.

I hope you join me at least momentarily on this voyage toward creativity, understanding, and mirth-filled wonder. Let’s ponder together how any of us even got here and have managed to stay this long.

I am so happy to have you. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.


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