By Nina Livingstone | Boston Spirit Magazine
For Boston College graduate Joanie Cullinan becoming a member of the Wellesley Fire Department was a perfect match. Growing up with three brothers, the Needham native was competitive – an athlete who “played every sport possible.” She knew she needed a career that spanned both of her passions: helping others and doing something that carried an edge of excitement. Firefighter was the right call.
But 10 years into her career, the 37-year-old was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma, and her life took a sharp turn. Now, three years cancer-free, Joanie remains a strong proponent of skin cancer screenings. In December, my full interview with Joanie will appear in Boston Spirit magazine, but in the meantime, she sat down with me to offer up her lighter side in this Nina’s 9 interview.
NINA: What is one of your most memorable moments as a firefighter?
JOANIE: About 10 years ago, we saved a dog out of the Charles River and ended up being cast on the “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” That was a pretty awesome event. I danced down to the stage like an idiot. I made a total fool of myself.
I know that should be the most memorable moment but honestly, I have to say my most memorable moment was driving the truck to a call and passing my dad on his way to work. I’m not sure if it was pride on his face or other fears to see his little girl driving a firetruck down the road with lights and sirens.
NINA: What is the first thing you toss into your suitcase when you are packing for a trip – pleasure or work?
JOANIE: AirPods. Between music and listening to books on tape I’m not sure how I ever survived without them.

NINA: What do you like most about yourself?
JOANIE: It’s a toss-up between my hair and my spontaneity and love for adventure. I have amazing hair. It’s almost as good as JFK’s. I guess I’ll have to go with my hair. Anyone can be spontaneous, only legends have great hair.
NINA: What should someone know about you before meeting you for the first time?
JOANIE: I’m a total dork, but I crush dad jokes. I’m a spazz, but loyal and devoted to the people in my life. If you don’t like my dog, I probably won’t like you, but I will always drop everything to help someone I love. I am unapologetically Joanie P. (The P stands for Patricia. I was named after my dad’s sister who passed away before I was born — so I always took a lot of pride in my name.)
NINA: If you could invite four celebrities to your home for dinner, who would they be and what would you serve?
JOANIE: Can I only have two? How would I get Taylor Swift to fall in love with me with four other people at the table? JFK and Taylor Swift. I’d serve them ice cream. All the ice cream.

NINA: What is your idea of a go-to place to relax?
JOANIE: Sandy Neck Beach. I love to drive out to the end of the beach, listen to music, grill, and have a bonfire when the sun goes down.
NINA: What is the one thing you cannot live without?
JOANIE: My puppy Sonny Boy.
NINA: If you could be anywhere right now, where and what would you be doing?
JOANIE: It wouldn’t matter where I was as long as I’m with my people. My friends and family make anyplace the best place. During treatment they held a fundraiser called “Shave Your Heads for Harrison.” I read where people shave their heads with me in order to raise money for charity. I made up T-shirts and they said “People are good. My people are great.” I truly believe that, so as long as I’m with my people I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
NINA: Picture it, you’ve just turned 21, what advice would you give yourself?
JOANIE: Pay attention to the little things; they mean the most.
NINA: Do you have a favorite show that you stream or have binge-watched? How about a favorite book?
JOANIE: “Friday Night Lights.” It’s perfection. I listen to a lot of audiobooks so much that I don’t remember the plot about a month after finishing them. So hard to pick a favorite.
My interview with Joanie Cullinan will appear in Boston Spirit magazine’s winter print issue. For a free print subscription, click here.