Videos and Comedy2023-10-02T10:03:53-04:00

Driving in the Sunlight

Nina finds a funny moment in her search for the perfect volunteer. A short take on a full-length story from “Life Is a Laugh” on GBH WORLD’s Stories From the Stage. https://youtube.com/shorts/NG53GEa--Eo?si=ka-H1IPTyiNxs6qe Credit: Courtesy of Stories from the Stage and GBH WORLD

Voices on the Green: “I was there, I met the blind and deaf saleswoman, yes I did…!”

In May, “Voices on the Green,” Lexington’s live music and storytelling series, returned to First Parish in Lexington (on the Battle Green). Storytellers shared a moment in their lives that intersected with history, taking the audience to Tiananmen Square, Lexington’s Battle Green, the streets of Havana, and, yes, even Bloomingdale’s. [...]


I was told that a rather fashionable man walked by with a man-bun. He was crossing a street and it reminded me of this ... Pre-pandemic I was sitting at a bar with a friend for dinner and I was informed that the waiter had a man-bun. I am sightless, so I have never seen [...]

A Pre-Pandemic Dance Lesson

This is life before March 13, 2020, when the country started to close its doors. And stopped dancing together. If you’re blind and hard of hearing, as am I, social distancing during the pandemic has its challenges. I have put the six weeks of ballroom dance lessons on hold until we can [...]

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