
Hi, this is Wanda. I’m the CEO of Deaf-blind Shovelers. I had my job back for one day this winter, one day in this whole entire winter. But it is spring, April 18th, 2020, and all my deaf-blind shovelers are sitting at home because of the pandemic crisis.

So while that’s ongoing, unfortunately we are all at home, staying home indoors, and some of us outdoors, like myself, working on behalf of my 4,763 deaf-blind shovelers. I can’t see where I’m going, can’t see what I’m doing, but I can’t see the snow. I can touch the snow.

But, anyway, so it’s a very unusual. How much more surreal can it get? Snow, the coronavirus, people are home and we’re shoveling snow today. I have my mask, but I’m also wearing a bandana, and I walk around, and I have my gloves. So please, stay safe and be healthy. Live, this is Wanda.

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