Bob, Reporter 1:

This is Mirth News with Nina Livingstone.

Nina Livingstone:

Welcome. This is Nina Livingstone. Welcome to Mirth News, WNZZR. We are here to tell you that there’s a slight blizzard going on. We had someone shovel earlier who is deaf and blind. She is a delegate of a huge organization of deaf-blind people who actually shovel. Her name is Wanda, and Wanda is happy to come on board to tell us a few words about why and how she shoveled being without sight and hearing. And she claims to do an impeccable job. I don’t think so, but that’s because she said.


Hello, my name is Wanda. I’m really happy to be shoveling on behalf of 4,726 deaf-blind shovelers, and I’m part of the organization and we really do a great job. I’m convelling. I’m just extremely thrilled to be out here in the blizzard to help other people clear off their paths, their sidewalks and roads, Bob. It’s just really an incredible experience to be outside, outdoors, because most of us are usually stuck indoors because there’s very … We’re trying to counter the old stereotype that they really don’t do anything. But the fact is we do, Bob. We shovel.

Nina Livingstone:

Wanda, thank you so much. We need more deaf-blind people out there, doing the shoveling and taking care of the roads and the streets. However, they are taking quite a bit of time because, in fact, they can’t see where they’re going with the shovel. Live, this is Nina Livingstone.

Bob, Reporter 1:

The plow’s coming!

As the CEO of a deaf and blind shoveling company, Wanda and her team attempt to shovel their way through the New England blizzard of 2018.

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